We are…

… a team of architects, engineers and visionaries. We are connected by a permanent cooperation in different projects besides the common study time more than 10 years ago. Due to our specialization, we have met again very often in recent years in a wide variety of construction projects and together we have provided support to our clients with our bundled knowledge. Now we are reinventing ourselves together as G4W.

Improvise instead of professionalize! Doing things just once gives way to planned procedures.

We combine passion with a business idea. We are the wild bunch of yore, naive, experimental, more awake and less sweet. We are different and do not fit into any pigeonhole! With the vision of a different way of doing business and a working environment that is not only fun for us, we have left the fixed and rigid structures of a major international corporation.

We permanently consider ourselves a “beta version”, a nascent work open to further education and development. Learning opportunities are given a high priority. All too often, 20 years of experience really just means one year repeated 20 times. In “permanent beta mode”, every year is full of new challenges for us. Our focus is on quality, not quantity.

We serve hand-picked clients and only work on projects that align with our values. In return, we guarantee individual attention, full attention, absolute passion and, above all, exclusivity for your project. Our credo stands for less stress, a happier life and more time. More openness. More liberalism. We don’t just want to plan. We want to help shape society! Let’s tackle it together and go4ward!

Why don’t you get to know G4W personally – Click here for the contact form.